
Oil & Gas Innovation Centre

Supporting innovation for the oil and gas industry

OGIC fosters, encourages and funds technology innovation. They connect oil and gas companies with new ideas to the world-class research expertise that exists within Scotland’s universities.

By enabling this partnership, and part-funding the university research, OGIC help the industry to address issues such as:

  • Productivity and recovery rates in the UK Continental Shelf
  • Rising operating costs
  • Decommissioning technology gaps

Areas of focus

OGIC wants to support any innovation that may be useful to the oil & gas industry. As such, the criteria for projects are broad. Those that can apply for project funding through OGIC are:

  • Companies where projects will demonstrate benefits to the Scottish Economy
  • Companies whose projects require innovative solutions to industry problems within the 8 key technology areas

OGIC’s 8 key technology areas are:

  1. Asset integrity and life extension
  2. Decommissioning
  3. Enhanced recovery
  4. Improving exploration outcomes
  5. Product optimisation
  6. Shale gas exploration
  7. Subsea
  8. Well construction, drilling and completions

Creative collaboration

OGIC’s remit is broad – they welcome project ideas which can be applied across a spectrum of established and new areas of operation. All OGIC projects must be innovative, must involve university input and ultimately must be of benefit to the oil & gas industry.

Companies with innovation and technology challenges approach OGIC seeking to either adapt existing technologies to improve their impact; adopt proven innovations from other industries or develop completely new technologies. OGIC help the company to select a university partner. They part-fund and provide project management support to advance projects.


Connect with experts

OGIC’s role is to help the company find the right academic partner, with appropriate research capability, facilities or specialised equipment, and to part-fund the academic project.

They also provide in-house technical capability and project management support, enabling a rapid route to problem solving.

OGIC’s match-making service links supply chain companies, usually SMEs, who have identified a particular problem that academic expertise can help solve. Following an initial discussion and agreement with the SME, OGIC will circulate the company’s requirements to business development teams in all 14 Scottish universities and senior research academics, who have oversight of the capability that exists within the university.

  • Finds relevant university capability and know-how for your project
  • Funds up to 50% of university project costs, covering academic research; the use of test and lab facilities and a range of university staff inputs
  • Supports your project with our in-house technical knowledge and project management
  • Makes it all happen with straightforward systems and processes
  • Our team at OGIC will help you find the most suitable university partner and provide funding to nurture, develop and test your innovative ideas

Contact OGIC

OGIC online


  • OGIC – the Oil & Gas Innovation Centre, Aberdeen Innovation Park, Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8GT


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